About Dance Coven

We are thirsty for a connection to the Divine, the Sacred. She is right here, under our feet, in the air we breathe, in the fire we burn, and in the sweet fluidity of our waterways. We are all indigenous to Mother Earth and if we slow down enough to hear her, magick happens. If we remember that we too are Divine and Sacred just as Mother Earth, empowerment happens.

For centuries, we have been told the opposite. We have been falsely led to believe that we are sinful, unworthy and that we need to look outside of ourselves for the Sacred. We have been morally manipulated by the patriarchy which has created immense harm individually and collectively for both women and men. It is time for us to remember. It is time for us to take back our power.

Dance Coven is our way back to the Sacred knowing that we not only are connected to the Divine, WE ARE DIVINE. Dance Coven is a time for us to connect with the sacred energy that exists in all of us and the universe. This is a time for us, through the power of free movement, to release any blocks that hinder us from being the best most power-filled version of ourselves. The relationship that we experience through honoring Mother Earth, the music, movement, and conscious community is profound. Dance Coven moves us back into alignment with the sacredness of life.

At Dance Coven, we are on an embodied path of consciousness and magick. As a way to deepen our connection with ourselves and the Divine, we gather to celebrate the high points of nature.

At Dance Coven, we follow the rhythms of nature. In doing so, we follow The Wheel of the Year, which is an annual cycle of eight Sabbats. These are sacred holy days rooted in Euro-Indigenous Paganism. The year is divided into four quarters of the seasons. Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. These are known as the Fall & Spring Equinox and the Winter & Summer Solstices. There are four other Sabbats; Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas. These holy days are known as cross-quarter days and are approximately midway between the solar Sabbats.

We also gather at Dance Coven in celebration of the Moon and one of her many magickal phases. We honor the feminine energy that is reflected in the moon. Following the Sabbats and the cycle of the moon invites us back to living a life in synced with nature. Since we are nature, this is ultimately living a life in synced with ourselves.

Dance Coven can be held inside but when available we prefer to experience Dance Coven out in nature.